Cut More, Mow Less: Replacing Your Monoculture Lawn with a Biodiverse Cut Flower Garden

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Saturday April 1

2:00 PM  –  3:30 PM

Cut More, Mow Less: Replacing Your Monoculture Lawn with a Biodiverse Cut Flower Garden

Why mow your yard when you can transform the space and harvest armloads of beautiful, seasonal, and pollinator-friendly flowers instead! Kate Hanavan Ross and Jason Aucoin, co-owners of Backyard Blooms in Portland, will present simple and effective strategies to turn a portion of your yard into an environmentally friendlier three season cut flower garden. Using sustainable methods, Kate and Jason have converted their adjoining properties into a successful seasonal micro flower farm using approximately ¼ of an acre of urban turf space. Attendees will hear the origin story behind Backyard Blooms, learn how and where to establish a cut flower bed, explore varieties of flowers that are uncomplicated to grow successfully, and learn why starting your own seeds has many important advantages. Kate and Jason will also explore the season extending benefits of incorporating spring bulbs, perennials, annuals, and tubers into garden planning. Participants will leave with a better understanding of the physical, mental, and environmental benefits of replacing a portion of your lawn with a more interactive, productive, and rewarding green space.