PMA Films: Guerilla Opera's I Give You My Home

Selected date

Friday March 31

Selected time

12:00 PM  –  12:45 PM

I Give You My Home is an opera-film interpretation of the world premiere chamber opera with music and an original libretto by local composer Beth Wiemann that was shot on location at the Nichols House Museum (Boston, MA), Path of Life Sculpture Garden (Windsor, VT), Saint-Gaudens National Park (Cornish, NH), Naulakha (Rudyard Kipling House) (Dummerston, VT), and Scott Farm Orchard (Dummerston, VT).

The opera is written for soprano, percussion, and saxophone. The film also includes one youth actor. It is sung in English and is estimated to be 45min long. 

Inspired by and in partnership with the Nichols House Museum, this project brings to light the efforts of this singular Bostonian woman in dramatic form on the site of the museum, which was her family home. It highlights the efforts and passions of Rose Standish Nichols who, despite her persistence, struggled to be taken seriously by the powers of her time (1872–1960). Her attempts to affect change through the Women’s Peace Movement, Women’s Suffrage and in her professional career are important and striking for their persistence in spite of the barriers.

This opera inspires future generations, to pursue their unique passions and make an impact on their own terms.

Running Time: 45 min.MPAA Rating: NRLanguage: EnglishCountry of origin: United States Director: Cara Consilvio

Official website
